
Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Generation of Clones

by Rheeno

As one saying I heard, "you are unique, just like everybody else."

Well, Kerry Olsen couldn't put it any more fitting. Status updating on Facebook and Tweeting are banal (?) attempts to make our lives appear interesting when most of the times our cellphones don't even ring. One must admit though that there are really people who have interesting lives, let alone a full social calendar. The one who has the most packed calendar seems to be the most chic.

About (music) profile sharings, here we can say that a person can finally download a life, though it's not really his own, but others'. Copying other people, where's originality there? Or is the word "original" just a historical, traditional, conventional concept? It has happened to art before. But since art imitates life, life could be the next victim in this age of mechanical reproduction. What I fear is that our lives will soon be like mass produced from social networking factories.

Crazy? It's like the Internet hangover or something. Well, at least there are still people who think and question these phenomena. However, most people are so much like sheep. Have you seen that cartoon wherein a sheep was sitting in front of the TV because people who watch too much TV tends to just follow the pack and not think on their own? Well, we can replace the TV in that cartoon with a computer monitor now.

Glamour really does manufacture ENVY. (First used on the magazine 'Glamour' and now on the word itself.)

I'm really just blubbering.

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